1975 – Year Six
1975 – Year Six. A couple of one-offs in a fallow year. Novelty meets hard rock as the Disco inferno approaches.
1972 – Year Three (electric booga . . knee?)
1972 – Year Three (electric booga . . .knee?), or the year that I discovered in my 20s.
1971 – Year Two (electric boogaloo!)
1971 – Year Two (electric boogaloo!) Schmaltz and classic rock in equal measure
1970 – Year One
1970 – Year One. When the world was forced to contend with yet another mediocre white man (in the making).
40 for 40 – Introduction
40 for 40 Introduction. Revisiting and supplementing my favorite series from the original aweofunderstanding.
Welcome Back to Me
Welcome back to me. How a plucky, middle-aged white man managed to overcome adversity and return to a decades-dead medium.